Saturday, December 08, 2007

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Maybe. Just maybe.

I may abandon blogger!

Oh i don't know.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Monday, December 03, 2007


"...Today's the...ohmygosh it's december."
"Ohmygosh! Omg omg it's already december?! I haven't even done the lit homework yet!"
"Yeah me too! So fast."

Today's the 3rd of december. Yes i know you probably realised that long time ago. Unlike us. I should just list down everything i've done so far during the already-halfway-through holidays. I hope my math so.totally. improves since i've been devoting most of my time to Math AND Chinese. (Note to self: Read up on Physics)

Anyway, went to Steph's modern/chinese dance performance yesterday. Most of the chinese dance items were by the guest dance troupe anyway. Which wasn't nice at all, their moves are so lao ah pek. And hilarious, omg, everyone kept laughing. Mean, I know, but according to Steph, they aren't very nice in person themselves. AND their routines are not original. So dunno. I met Steph's friend Mabel and her friend Erica (I think?) too. And while waiting for Steph, they were asking me why I was so quiet. I could have laughed! But I didn't haha,I mean really, they're nice people :) I just didn't have much to say since we only met a few minutes before.

Gonna continue reading Nineteen Minutes now.Bye!