Saturday, December 08, 2007
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
"Ohmygosh! Omg omg it's already december?! I haven't even done the lit homework yet!"
"Yeah me too! So fast."
Today's the 3rd of december. Yes i know you probably realised that long time ago. Unlike us. I should just list down everything i've done so far during the already-halfway-through holidays. I hope my math so.totally. improves since i've been devoting most of my time to Math AND Chinese. (Note to self: Read up on Physics)
Anyway, went to Steph's modern/chinese dance performance yesterday. Most of the chinese dance items were by the guest dance troupe anyway. Which wasn't nice at all, their moves are so lao ah pek. And hilarious, omg, everyone kept laughing. Mean, I know, but according to Steph, they aren't very nice in person themselves. AND their routines are not original. So dunno. I met Steph's friend Mabel and her friend Erica (I think?) too. And while waiting for Steph, they were asking me why I was so quiet. I could have laughed! But I didn't haha,I mean really, they're nice people :) I just didn't have much to say since we only met a few minutes before.
Gonna continue reading Nineteen Minutes now.Bye!Thursday, November 29, 2007
forget it i'm just weirdly talking to myself omg.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
At first when steph told me how superduper nice it was i was just 'ugh/eew/yuck', but i decided to watch in the end in malaysia coz i was bored.
I didn't regret it! It's so funny!
So i am going to continue watching it now!
Friday, November 16, 2007
I came all by myself in a coach! Then met my dad here since he already was.
Cos my sister has to go for orientation tomorrow, so, both my sisters and my mom will come over tomorrow. Have some silly camp thing tomorrow, and it's gonna be so weird cos I'm probably gonna be the only one not from malaysia, whereas everyone else would be. Pfft.
Anyway. The coach didn't turn out to be from some lousy company with torn and tattered seats and barely any leg space and all. It was so WOAH. Like really, I found out it was first class. Heh!
1) It was like an airplane
2) There was a steward who served food and drinks.
3) Only sixteen seats, so you can imagine how huge and comfy the seats were.
4) Plenty of leg space.
5) The seats were literally armchairs you know! You could make the leg thing go up like those armchairs etc.
6) Nono actually it was like a massage chair cos you could press the button and they start vibrating hahah!
7) There were individual television screens so I spent most of my time watching part of DaVinci Code, part of The Covenant, Keeping Mum, the local chinese show 'Just follow law' (something like that), and part of Miami Vice.
The first part of The Covenant freaked me out, and it would be too embarrassing to scream out loud so i decided to switch.
Miami Vice was boring so I switched too.
I saw this lady watching the local chinese show that looked more entertaining so I stopped watching DaVinci Code.
Oh right. They're showing that on tv now.
Gotta go, bye!
Monday, November 12, 2007
i have no idea why i'm writing the same thing in xanga too.
UGH. Total shiz. I've just been doing math, and more math everyday. Coz i've got 400 questions of math to do every week (Seriously, my tuition teacher's just crazy) and i have chinese tuition homework to do too.
Doesn't even feel like a holiday.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Wet sand.
Monday, November 05, 2007
xanga (link)
I'm going sentosa tomorrow with Jacklyn Lizzie Sarah! Mei-Shaan has dance and can't come :(
Thursday, November 01, 2007
CHALET (haven't finished this post yet, it's reeeally long)
(I'll upload more photos when the others send the photos they took to me :D)
While Xifan and I were at the sink marinating all the raw meat (stingray, squid etc) like this:

Our 'lots and lots of food & drinks' that we couldn't finish, plus all the potato chip and snacks on the table.

Our chicken wings! They were really good!
;D Haha then we watched tv and played cards, but it ended up like this:
(I'll upload the video tomorrow)
And then suddenly we decided to play 'spin the bottle', which was:
we had to wear lip-gloss and kiss the person opposite us on the cheek -.-
Aiyuh then on wednesday i had tuition and piano, so after those then i went back to the chalet.
Haha we saw two fat lizards and Jed was so scared they would go inside the chalet so she closed all the doors and used some long thing so scare them away.
Myself, Xifan, Jed. Ling took this! We were watching channel 5!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Nobody's Perfect.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Such shit! :(
Ok, it’s confirmed. I dropped higher Chinese and there’s no way of turning back now!
Oh joy.
Well I didn’t want to, but my mum thought it would be better since I’m not superb in Chinese anyway.
And it’s too stressful, we have to take Chinese Os next year.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Holidays already

Thursday, October 25, 2007
1 more day till school closes.
YAY, same as Jacklyn.
I think i'm gonna drop higher chinese. It's making a bad mark in my report book. And, I don't know why but I sort of wished I put triple science for first choice. Somehow. Maybe i'll appeal!
Today was talenttime and we got third for both the class performance and open category (which had only us 5 people). Haha open cat. was first and we were singing and acting out "Fabulous" from High School Musical 2, which was so totally bimbo. But it was scary up there and so embarrassing! I had to wear tight hot pink halter dress. Well so did Mei-Shaan and Jacklyn coz we're the sharpettes (Charlotte was Sharpay!), but mine was the worst although Mei-Shaan complained that hers was worse.
Not true! Hers was just a white halter top with denim shorts but it was a little frilly haha.
For the whole class thing we did "You can't stop the beat" from Hairspray and it was funky man! Superduper fun, and we were all so enthu! Yah, coz it was only dancing, we didn't have to sing in front hundreds and hundreds of people so it wasn't scary at all, compared to the other item.
Last day of school tomorrow!