Thursday, October 25, 2007

1 more day till school closes.

I got my first choices for subject combinations! Which is Physics Chem + Full geog half lit half S.S. Plus the compulsory A math.
YAY, same as Jacklyn.
I think i'm gonna drop higher chinese. It's making a bad mark in my report book. And, I don't know why but I sort of wished I put triple science for first choice. Somehow. Maybe i'll appeal!

Today was talenttime and we got third for both the class performance and open category (which had only us 5 people). Haha open cat. was first and we were singing and acting out "Fabulous" from High School Musical 2, which was so totally bimbo. But it was scary up there and so embarrassing! I had to wear tight hot pink halter dress. Well so did Mei-Shaan and Jacklyn coz we're the sharpettes (Charlotte was Sharpay!), but mine was the worst although Mei-Shaan complained that hers was worse.
Not true! Hers was just a white halter top with denim shorts but it was a little frilly haha.

For the whole class thing we did "You can't stop the beat" from Hairspray and it was funky man! Superduper fun, and we were all so enthu! Yah, coz it was only dancing, we didn't have to sing in front hundreds and hundreds of people so it wasn't scary at all, compared to the other item.

Last day of school tomorrow!

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