Sunday, October 21, 2007

Great eastern

Today was the Great eastern run!
Super fun, I tell you. The media was there and they were taking videos and photos like mad.
We got free ice-cream & sportade, and we 'dominated' the place, since we had about 600 people participating; winning the school challenge!
Our tent was really funny, it was decorated with loads of yellow and green balloons! It was cool.
Oh, and we had to tie yellow & green ribbons on our hair too!

(Psst. I think we'll be in the newspapers, coz this photographer asked to take a big group photo carrying the sparkling glass trophy, and he asked 2 sc girls to run towards the camera, in front of us, holding the trophy.)
Cool eh?
It was supposed to look as if the trophy was flying (?!)
5 km was actually very little, compared to that day's training. I think it's nothing! Cos I almost died that day. Ha. Whereas for today's run time passed really quickly.
Whooh, I loved today. I got to skip tuition! Alright, I'll sign off here; photos from Aisha's mum, uhm, another day hahhah.


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No wonder, so that's your motive.
Oh my goodness that's so "out-of-the-boundaries"!
So unexpected and disappointing.

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