Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A very long wait.

Yesterday, I had no life. My laptop and I became the bestest of friends.
And today, we played Monopoly in school to quit boredom, and it was the Powerpuff version hahaa.
We had around 7 people so it was fun, but at the end of both games everyone had already merged with one another to form "Alliance Parties", and in the first round, Aisha, Sylvia and I sort of lost. No, actually not exactly because we had more property than Gladys, Mei-Shaan, Sarah and Jacklyn.
The second round, guess what? We lost again.
The people playing were different though, other than Jacklyn and I and Gladys. Also, I was the richest person at first with the most cash and property but I handed it over to Abigail cos Jacklyn and I went out to learn the Talent-time dance steps. (We're doing hairspray, lol, so the steps are a bit of the act-cute kind)
Anyway when we went back inside the classroom Abigail had merged with Violet and we kept swapping houses for skyscrapers because we didn't want Jacklyn & Co. to buy everything (HAHA).
So in the end we became nearly bankrupt- we were left with around $15 and owed the bank $1000. But Jacklyn wanted to see how the game ended so we decided to "rob" the bank, and take all the money for ourselves.
It was really funny luh, cos we decided not to be greedy and took out 5 $100 notes and a few $1 notes and put them under the table. Yeah it became the bank, and the rest was ours! :)

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