Wednesday, October 26, 2005


psle marking days are FINALLY over. I do NOT agree, that it was pleasant. It was so boring!!! My handphone got spoilt. Yep, spoilt. Well, on second thought, not REALLY spoilt though...just that in calls, the person on the other line cant hear me. But i can hear them. Whether incoming calls or outgoing, still the same freaking problem. The rest still work well...but calling is the most important, to me. Because calling,um...hmm...ensures?? that the other person get's your message. CONFIRM. And um..more fang bian you know.
Well some others are in Perth now. I wish i were there. But according to stephanie, they went to the windparm today.And the sea. whatever. i wish she would stop telling/boasting. Because it tempts me even more to go. Although i cant. But actually she didnt tell me. She told ming but me and mic were with her so we got informed too. She didnt tell me. Good thing,bad thing. Good thing: i wont get so tempted. Bad thing: Some sort of friend she is.

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