Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ahahahaha i got 13.5 for lit! Upon 20 that is. Uhhhh not THAT good lah but people say, nobody's perfect. (: i got 12 at first, then i realised Ms Pang ( so sad Ms Chong left ) calculated my marks wrongly- I was supposed to get half mark more. Then i also realised she circled the ",he" word with the comma, and wrote on top,"he". Well i did write that but she mistook it for "she". Minus half mark. But Pointy also agreed that is was a comma, not a "s", so i got back another half mark. heh.
Again, she mistook my meaning of the sentence " she was reluctant about buying the house and was not happy......"(something like that, I don't have my paper with me now) and she underlined a curly underneath and wrote above, " they are already living in it ". Right, I already knew that you know. I said that i wrote "was" so it meant that she (the narrator/ the wife or something) WAS not happy about buying the house BEFORE they bought it and lived in it blah blah. Earned another half mark. :p But my answers were correct weren't it?

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