Friday, July 21, 2006

Okay, okay, i know i'm guilty for not posting for so long. Chinese talent time finals was on wed. Yup our class got in the semis. Haha i was one of the dancers. Priscilla's mike's volume was low, according to her. We didn't win anyway. SY won. Heard from char and jien that Mr ang was telling them that we would win. But we didn't, so, yeah sad ):
I wish i was with sha and pointy in the humanities room now having hist remedial. Optional but i didn't bring my textbook and i want to do better in hist! Hmphf. Should i do CIP later at SGH? Mel's not going she has guides, and she's the leader who organised this, putting an announcement but now she can't go. So the other ppl gotta find their way there themselves. Cheng Ho didn't sign up although she wanted to put her name on the e-announcement also. Lol sha and i were there too, and then we took so long at the comp that there was a loooooong queue behind us. LOL :)

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