Monday, September 24, 2007


Aiyah, I haven't posted for quite long because exams are coming.
Oh, joy.
3 more days! So, hiatus, hiatus. Geog's on thursday.
I can't wait. Okay okay, not exactly, but it's the only subject (other than science) which I actually studied fully.
Because Geography rocks right?
:D Doesn't matter if you don't agree, cos I do.
And for science, everyone says the paper's gonna be difficult, which is bad, because i bet i'm gonna do badly for it. :(
I can't do Bio. My digestion chapter understanding and memorising level is bad. BUT, I love Physics. It's so fun! The light and colour and electricity and stuff.
So I really really really hope i can get the Physics+Chem combination. And of course full Geog half lit.
Not history. It's as bad as the bio section. Maybe even worse.

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